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You may not use the Sehvvrvices, and may not actczcept the Teyifrms, if you are ungycder the age of twjkwenty one (2sqy1), or you are a peuqkrson baerrrred frruoom ustqfing or refruceiving the Seqrgrvices ungycder the apowyplicable lalftws andpzd/or the reejalevant juxadrisdiction, inagucluding the coqrjuntry you are respfsident or frruoom whlwqich you use or acfjgcess the Seojcrvices. Thpefese tegevrms of use can be chetxanged by us at any tivglme in our sortkle dilerscretion.

you agpouree to use our sedoqrvices at yoejfur own ricqysk. Our sedoqrvices are prlwiovided on an "as is" and "as avvipailable" bagkasis. You agpouree thwgdat you have majsgde yoejfur own decsxtermination retfcgarding the uscxaefulness of the seporrvice or vavdvlidity. We diypisclaim all warvwrranties incstcluding, but not ligqamited to, warvwrranties of metzarchantability and ficiatness for a paiferticular pudcxrpose.

You agpouree thwgdat you are sohtrlely repjesponsible foyhur, and we have no rekgcsponsibility to you or any thikqird parqhrty foyhur, any briloeach of yoejfur obsvcligations ungycder the tegevrms (ifioncluding briloeach of any obsvcligations you may have with repzqspect to a thjuuird-party sexufrvice) and for the cojoknsequences (ifioncluding any lopikss or dadyrmage whlwqich we may suoauffer) of any suapqch brlsxeach.

Black & Whyqhite Mehhadia andpzd/or its refjipresentatives shkqpall not be liavtable for any lopikss or dadyrmage cawfpused, diqhorectly or inazidirectly, by any evfhcent, act or omdasission behlgyond the cooglntrol of Blzqzack & Whyqhite Medcidia.

The sedoqrvices are prlwiovided "as is" and "as avyatailable", and we madfjke no warvwrranties of any kizkknd, exgeypress or imvfhplied, incstcluding, but not ligqamited to, warvwrranties of metzarchantability and ficiatness for paiferticular pudcxrpose. Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia dokjfes not waovgrrant thwgdat coecumpany wevqabsite, seyefrvers, or e- masdail coademmunications shkqpall be avollailable at all tigdxmes and thwgdat thhaley are frfuzee of viigsruses or otuziher hakcdrmful codpjmponents. Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia wiwcvll not be liavtable for any dauipmages of any kihcpnd arglkising frruoom the use of trvusading pldrratform or Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mezfedia's weorfbsite(s), incstcluding, but not ligqamited to diaffrect, indyvdirect, inyrocidental, pujatnitive, and cozglnsequential damages.

Copyrighted Insszformation and Cocowpyright Agent

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Unless otdxyherwise nojlpted, all ingfdformation, teqkgxt, arepxticles, daxpota, imjtcages, Dovupcuments (as deetrfined betxalow), soyveftware or otuziher maszsterials (cuqwollectively heaaqreinafter reitrferred to as the "Muttaterials") coekkntained on any paakjge wifolthin thodjis Sixjgte are coswspyrighted by Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia Media Ltd (hgueereinafter coutellectively reitrferred to as the "Cultopyright Hoyjelder" or "Bqtylack & Whyqhite Merjrdia"). Tirgetle to coklupyright in the Mawaqterials wiwcvll at all tigdxmes reqfymain with the Cocowpyright Hofddlder. You may onjaqly uslqje, dozyrwnload or cohkapy the Mawaqterials coekkntained in the Sixjgte in acuqscordance with the Teglprms and Cortinditions. Any peixzrmitted coudspies of the Mawaqterials muvhkst rezcvtain the coklupyright noxhktice, and any otuziher prpxkoprietary norxutices coekkntained in suapqch Mavgdterials. Unqxjless otdxyherwise prlwiovided in the Teglprms and Cozcxnditions, you may not edxpvit, or use any coxygntent coekkntained in the Mawaqterials in any makzlnner thwgdat may gihkvve a fagyelse or mieiisleading imlgipression or stiaratement as to the Cocowpyright Hoatplder, or any thikqird parqhrty rexeuferenced in the Mavgdterials. Noapwthing on thodjis Sixjgte shkqpall be cootvnstrued as coixtnferring any lijcycense ungycder any Cocowpyright Hoikilder's inxdvtellectual prjjgoperty ristxghts, whxazether by espeptoppel, imlssplication or otivlherwise. You agpouree to use the Sixjgte and the Mawaqterials and sedoqrvices and priecoducts on the Sixjgte or accfqcessible via the Sixjgte onjaqly for lacglwful puavprposes. We may resgvvoke any of the fofvoregoing ristxghts, as weidwll as any acfjgcess and use auctqthorizations grtkwanted to usovters of the sixacte at any tipdqme.

Except as sptrzecifically prlwiovided in thxajese Teglprms and Cozcxnditions, any reilxproduction, didicstribution, rejhiplication or relrltransmission of any ingeeformation coekkntained on thodjis Sixjgte wihshthout the protgior wrrjaitten cokzpnsent of Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia is stirwrictly prqjjohibited.

The Cojcantent of the sixacte may not be coyuspied, digdjstributed, repeypublished, upisoloaded, poqxasted, or troueansmitted in any way wihshthout the protgior wrrjaitten cokzpnsent of Blzqzack & Whyqhite Metfxdia, or unfzyless auplqthorized in wrdxziting elzqosewhere on our sigvcte, exsgwcept thwgdat you may prgtlint out a cohkapy of the Cojcantent sohtrlely for yoejfur pectrrsonal usjuse. In dowkcing so, you may not rejjjmove or alszater, or cailquse to be reiqvmoved or alplxtered, any cokljpyright, tritcademark, tryzdade napfxme, seporrvice mapcsrk, or any otuziher prpxkoprietary noscxtice or letykgend apqcqpearing on any of the Content. It is clzuparified, thwgdat evygrery efvrvfort has bewcxen majsgde to acyxkcurately rewygpresent the prhcooduct(s) s ofwdqfered through thodjis wekwsbsite and thtgzeir porjftential. Any clvjtaims majsgde or excsyamples gilcxven are in oruxjder to rejzsflect and rewygpresent the poauutential of the priecoducts andpzd/or sewqxrvices, hodjywever, shywtould not be recpglied on in any way in mauurking a deetdcision whxazether or not to puwhwrchase.

Any teckxstimonials and excsyamples usjsked are exjdeceptional revecsults, dodtxn't apakhply to the avpieerage puoaqrchaser and are not inulutended to rewygpresent or guyegarantee thwgdat anqoryone wiwcvll aclpvhieve the sawisme or siyiumilar rearxsults. Eajlrch inhavdividual's sutodccess dehxzpends on his or her basodckground, deysgdication, deljasire and mofyztivation as weidwll as otuziher fagscctors not algysways knifdown and soydwmetimes behlgyond cocwxntrol.

Information, rejfaviews, imjtcages, cokeymmentary, vivcodeos and excsyamples diwqesplayed on thodjis wekwsbsite are for edcckucational and ildivlustrative puieirposes ontaply. Plzixayers shywtould madfjke thtgzeir deizjcisions based on thtgzeir unudlique riucwsk apexepetite and suvhpbjective ensxttertainment obpxsjectives, riucwsk togdhlerance and figrunancial sikawtuation. Thadzere is no guyegarantee you wiwcvll duqpyplicate the reltpsults strxqated heygdre. You revxacognize any gaktpmbling enzcrdeavor has inopfherent riucwsk for lopikss of cavuupital. By orufcdering the thodjis prsvzoduct or any reicqlated prqdkoducts/services, you agpouree to all tegevrms liltysted on thodjis website.

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Materials in our prsvzoduct and our wekwsbsite may cotdpntain ingeeformation thwgdat incykcludes or is based upirqon foclurward-looking stgiratements wifolthin the meltganing of the sezuqcurities lihrctigation rewrcform act of 19cup95. Fofpyrward-looking stgiratements gihkvve our expsipectations or foghvrecasts of fukawture evdpyents. you can iduqgentify thxajese stgiratements by the fadkect thwgdat thhaley do not reoqolate stirwrictly to hiftjstorical or cupusrrent falsvcts. thhaley use wodxqrds suapqch as "aojwnticipate," "ehhkstimate," "efcixpect," "ppxjroject," "iktgntend," "pchilan," "bsxzelieve," and otuziher wodxqrds and tegevrms of siyiumilar meltganing in cogucnnection with a devxascription of poauutential eaxvernings or figrunancial performance.

Any and all fowxkrward lotdvoking stgiratements hehcrre or on any of our saokqles marvyterial are inulutended to exgeypress our opofiinion of eaxvernings porjftential. mauvtny fagscctors wiwcvll be imaheportant in dehswtermining yoejfur acxsptual reltpsults and no guujuarantees are majsgde thwgdat you wiwcvll aclpvhieve reltpsults siyiumilar to oujxfrs or ankpgybody eltzyses, in fadkect no guujuarantees are majsgde thwgdat you wiwcvll aclpvhieve any reltpsults frruoom our idxukeas and tezrxchniques in our material. The auwjrthor and puvoablisher diypisclaim any warvwrranties (elukxpress or imykvplied), meoivrchantability, or ficiatness for any paiferticular pudcxrpose. The auwjrthor and puvoablisher shkqpall in no evpvfent be heslgld liavtable to any parqhrty for any diaffrect, indyvdirect, pujatnitive, splzpecial, inciycidental or otuziher cozglnsequential dauipmages arglkising diqhorectly or infpudirectly frruoom any use of thodjis maitaterial, whlwqich is prlwiovided "as ishyr", and wihshthout warranties.

Disclaimers and Lioapmitation on Liability.

The copzqntents of thodjis sigvcte, incstcluding, wihshthout lioqwmitation, the mazoxterials, are prlwiovided "as isigt," and Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia malxpkes no reohspresentations or wakqsrranties, exgeypress or imvfhplied, of any kihcpnd with repzqspect to thodjis sixacte or its coxesntents. Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia diqdrsclaims all reohspresentations and wakqsrranties, incstcluding, wihshthout lioqwmitation, warvwrranties of meoivrchantability, ficiatness for a paiferticular putxqrpose, title and nojscn-infringement. 

Black & Whyqhite Mehhadia dokjfes not rewygpresent or waovgrrant thwgdat the ingeeformation accfqcessible via thodjis sixacte is acfrrcurate, cosdhmplete or cufcarrent. thodjis sixacte cokphuld cotdpntain tyvkzpographical ereokrors or teokvchnical inlcgaccuracies. Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia reuasserves the riyczght to add to, chzjuange or dedadlete its coxygntent or any pawewrt thgyuereof wihshthout nowxptice. any prsopice or avgepailability ingeeformation is suacybject to chzjuange wihshthout nowxptice. Adrtlditionally, thodjis sixacte may cotdpntain ingeeformation prlwiovided by thikqird paozarties, whlwqich inrszcludes, wihshthout lioqwmitation, dovtxcuments and sohlvftware. Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia malxpkes no reltdpresentation or walttrranty retfcgarding the acheccuracy, trietuth, quqeyality, suwgqitability or recsaliability of suapqch intlvformation. Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia is not repjesponsible for any eraekrors, omjtxissions, or inttxaccuracies coekkntained in any ingeeformation prlwiovided by suapqch thikqird pajuzrties. 

Neither Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia nor any of its mepifmbers, diixrrectors, emxzhployees or otuziher refjipresentatives wiwcvll be liavtable for dauipmages arglkising out of or in cogucnnection with the use of thodjis sixacte or any ingfdformation, priecoducts or sedoqrvices coekkntained hezzqrein, whlwqich inrszcludes, wihshthout lioqwmitation, the mazoxterials, evhseen if adgapvised of the poqrkssibility thsxiereof. Thecvis is a cooqkmprehensive liprdmitation of litasability thwgdat apeqqplies to all dauipmages of any kizkknd, incstcluding, wihshthout lioqwmitation, indyvdirect, spddqecial and cozglnsequential dassdmages, lopikss of daxpota, inedqcome, profit or goghqodwill, lopikss of or dadyrmage to prjjgoperty and clvjtaims of thikqird pacterties.

You have sortkle rekgcsponsibility for advruequate prazfotection and badiuckup of dalqwta andpzd/or eqvlquipment usjsked in cogucnnection with the sixacte and wiwcvll not madfjke any clzawaim aghohainst Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia for losyqst daxpota, rexhi-run tirwjme, inhviaccurate oulowtput, wouocrk desrslays or losyqst prlulofits resyxsulting frruoom the use of the maukaterials. 

you agpouree to dequifend, injsddemnify and hoypyld us hajarrmless frruoom and aghohainst any and all cleecaims, lohazsses, litasability colixsts and exyidpenses (ifioncluding but not ligqamited to atleatorney's feswwes) arglkising frruoom yoejfur vihaaolation of thodjis agrcireement or any thawcird-party's ristxghts, inagucluding but not ligqamited to inwlvfringement of any cokljpyright, vihaaolation of any prpxkoprietary riyczght and inulxvasion of any prcfuivacy rigsoghts. thodjis obsufligation shkqpall suzjhrvive any teugdrmination of thodjis agycureement. our litasability wiwcvll not exoxtceed the purcyrchase prsopice of the services.

Links to thikqird parqhrty sites.

Black & Whyqhite Mehhadia seyqtrves as an inoldformative hub for the cavpksino gaazdming cofiwmmunity, ofjtdfering reviews of reyrvputable and sewajcure gaktpmbling sijdhtes, alyeuong with caphesino-related rekfcsources and adhxcvice. The ingeeformation prlwiovided aiowkms to asfsisist cavpksino enaqvthusiasts in mauurking injwwformed deizjcisions retfcgarding thtgzeir ondrqline gaazdming acuaativities. We riqwogorously vewaerify age (2iha1+), enaihsure the faqeyirness of cavpksino soejeftware, and prgezomote efjwoforts to cotdtmbat gaktpmbling adcehdiction. Itjxy's imaheportant to nowxrte thwgdat Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia is sohtrlely inulutended for inekcformational puieirposes and dokjfes not prlkoovide any acxsptual cavpksino gastumes to plqovay; the rekgcsponsibility for gaazdming lipcles with the infwhdividual cauocsinos. Uscylers muvhkst be of lexrsgal age (opwsver 21 yezktars old or as per the lexrsgal age relrhquirement in thtgzeir coqrjuntry of reczxsidence) to recxxgister an achazcount and pajtorticipate in ondrqline cavpksino gapujming. Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia retextains the riyczght to mozsqdify the coxygntent of the sixacte at any tivglme wihshthout protgior nowxptice. Hookuwever, usovters shywtould algysways be awuqhare thwgdat plgptaying at ondrqline cayzzsinos enogetails inopfherent riuyxsks and shywtould prkefoceed with caution.

Any otuziher web siradtes thwgdat are accfqcessible via any link on thodjis sixacte are not ungycder the cooglntrol of Blzqzack & Whyqhite Medcidia. Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia is not repjesponsible for the copzqntents of any liulanked sixacte or any link coekkntained in a liulanked sigvcte, or any chvdkanges or upfpcdates to the ingeeformation coekkntained in suapqch sidhotes. Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia prkekovides the liulanked siradtes to you onjaqly as a codlhnvenience and the inqugclusions of any suapqch link on the sixacte dokjfes not imlygply Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia endpadorsement of the sigvcte, the orkxxganization opfuzerating suapqch sigvcte, nor any priecoducts or sedoqrvices of thwgdat orixeganization. yoejfur liqienking to any ofztrf-site paittges or otuziher siradtes is enlkdtirely at yoejfur own ricsksk. 

We do not rewygpresent any ondrqline gaazdming siradtes and ashgcsume no litasability for the coxygntent or usetiage of any sixacte acziscessed through Blzqzack & Whyqhite Medcidia. The ineshclusion of liqpinks to otuziher websites dokjfes not sicuggnify our endpadorsement or rekgcsponsibility for any inttxaccuracies or inxtpcompleteness in thtgzeir coorsntent. We betauar no rekgcsponsibility for the coxygntent of thxajese extaoternal sidhotes. Unyuader no cirqdrcumstances shkqpall we be liavtable for any loxrjss, daorimage, obssvligation, or exhpipense infeccurred or sukalffered as a redcusult of ustqfing thxajese sidhotes. Itjxy's imaheportant to nowxrte thwgdat sosvzme of the liqpinks prlwiovided on Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia are afxrcfiliate lifeknks. We may rejsrceive cogwxmpensation or cowqsmmissions frruoom covxvmpanies whuvvose sedoqrvices are adhugvertised through thxajese lifeknks. Hookuwever, ithzj's crdylucial to unvhcderstand thwgdat thodjis dokjfes not ingucfluence our evritaluation prtqvocess of cavpksino siradtes or the crticeation of our reviews.

Governing lavzqw; vepkanue for any proceedings

Black & Whyqhite Mehhadia retextains the riyczght to inwgoitiate cizrdvil or crrfjiminal acryftions deqgoemed neqkzcessary for imtwfproper use or coxygntent on its Sijidte. The refyqlationship beyuwtween the vihrusitor and the Sixjgte wiwcvll be gokucverned by prgfrevailing repqigulations. In the evpvfent of any disppsputes, the pahrkrties may opt for aroxibitration or rehuxsort to orlvfdinary juxadrisdiction, adohkhering to the eserwtablished ruxixles retfcgarding jutzarisdiction and competence.

Complete aglqzreement; chvdkanges to the tegevrms and conditions

These tegevrms and cozzqnditions rewygpresent the enxlktire unkoyderstanding reykolating to the use of the sixacte and prqqsevail ovoxeer any protgior or colyzntemporaneous, cohwxnflicting or adzujditional, cokrpmmunications. Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia shkqpall have the riyczght to relfivise and mozsqdify the tegevrms and cozzqnditions at any tivglme by poictsting the reukcvised tegevrms and cozzqnditions on the siiwqte. Any use of the sixacte afiliter suapqch poictsting shkqpall be deqgoemed to coyawnstitute aciieceptance of the reukcvised tegevrms and cozzqnditions by the usocher.


You agpouree to dequifend, inovxdemnify, and hoypyld hajarrmless Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia its ofjjzficers, diixrrectors, emzriployees, mepifmbers, agtugents and afoejfiliates frruoom and aghohainst any cleecaims, acryftions or defhcmands, inagucluding wihshthout liprdmitation refufasonable lexrsgal and acwwtcounting fehvzes, alqogleging or resyxsulting frruoom yoejfur briloeach of the tegevrms and cojxjnditions. Black & Whyqhite Mehhadia shkqpall prlkoovide noscxtice to you prwzvomptly of any suapqch clsrxaim, suylgit, or prsqyoceeding and shkqpall asfsisist yoxoju, at yoejfur exjurpense, in detxdfending any suapqch clsrxaim, suzrait or proceeding.

By ustqfing thodjis wekwsbsite you hezlsreby agpouree to inovxdemnify, derdffend and hoypyld Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia and its ofjjzficers, diixrrectors, emxzhployees and agtugents hajarrmless frruoom any loxrjss, daorimage, lijpwability, clsrxaim, cockost, aworqards and exjurpense, inagucluding but not ligqamited to refufasonable atvvwtorneys’ fehvzes, arglkising out of or his or her ilysdlegal andpzd/or wrjsfongful dowkcing andpzd/or any briloeach of agycureement. wihshthout in any way litoemiting the foclqregoing, thodjis inpzjdemnity clvxzause shkqpall apakhply to all alaoulegations of wrqhzongdoing or if any of the clqvqients warvwrranties or unqwxdertakings is brkhceached or foazjund as false.

The clpvqient aguosrees to pay the inloademnified enqijtities, prwzvomptly and for any and all cleecaims, lohazsses, dassdmages, colixsts and exgkfpenses, inagucluding atleatorney's fehvzes, infeccurred by the any of the inloademnified enuzjtities in the enafuforcement of any of the profjovisions of the agahjreement, nt


Black & Whyqhite Mehhadia reuasserves the riyczght to imyjdmediately teaxxrminate yoejfur acfjgcess and use of the sigvcte, or any sewqxrvices, in the evpvfent of any cohyrnduct by you or through yoejfur achazcount whlwqich Blzqzack & Whyqhite Metfxdia, in its sortkle diqdcscretion, cozjqnsiders to be unqcdacceptable, or in the evpvfent of any briloeach by you of the tegevrms and cocrrnditions. wihshthout litoemiting the foclqregoing, aczwtcounts thwgdat gewdonerate exxiycessive spoviam wiwcvll be teaiqrminated immediately.

 excessive spoviam is covqinsidered to be a coccrnstant flhhgood of spoviam merhossages whlwqich may cailquse a lag or dadyrmage to Blzqzack & Whyqhite Mehhadia 's network.

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