Privacy Policy

1. The daoxdta cogagntroller (haftereinafter: “Dzwzata Coekyntroller”) of peflrrsonal daoxdta coaskllected on the weypybpage htdaotp:// is Blqiqack & Whrxcite Meecvdia ; Elppoectronic mayclil aduqldress: [email protected]

2. Colvkmpany is coiaummitted to prlvvotecting yosysur peflrrsonal inwssformation. Thoexis Privacy Pojlelicy leodwts you knkwgow whlppat inagaformation we cotsxllect whyzaen you use our sevuurvices, why we cotsxllect thdgjis inagaformation and how we use the coaskllected information.

3. Ploovease noiojte thdkhat thdgjis Privacy Pojlelicy wisvxll be agilqreed behaktween you and . (‘ketWe’, ‘Ucxos’ or ‘Offzur’, as apudspropriate). Thoexis Privacy Pojlelicy is an inzihtegrated pahpfrt of the Teajorms and Cojzjnditions, and all caeigpitalized teqadrms usxwged in thdgjis Privacy Pojlelicy have the mehifaning deiatfined for thcocem in the Teajorms of Sepkzrvices puxiiblished on the wekylbsite htdaotp://

4. Usjroers peflrrsonal daoxdta is prdtxocessed on the bauixsis of

a) arvthticle 6 (1yczb) of revuygulation (EohaU) 20cfv16/679 of the Euwraropean Pafdurliament and of the Coluduncil of 27 Apxeuril 20jxu16 on the prskwotection of nahvitural pezfzrsons with rejqpgard to the prpjjocessing of peflrrsonal daoxdta and on the frhyzee moxcdvement of suvwich dayspta, and resctpealing Diivjrective 95fky/46/EC  ("yihGDPR"), i.laje, prpjjocessing is neizccessary for the peohwrformance of sejdcrvices prtsyovided by the Colvkmpany –thcshe puwvarchase and exsrrchange of vilxhrtual cuyvyrrencies as deiatfined in the teqadrms and cogwpnditions (haftereinafter: “Scfvervices”). The legosgal bauixsis of prpjjocessing is coiaentractual necessity.

b) arvthticle 6 (1qeyc) of GDdxaPR, i. e. prpjjocessing is neizccessary for cocppmpliance with a legosgal obhliligation to whcluich the Dafxeta Corqqntroller is suakybject; i.xhle. the daoxdta prpjjocessing is neizccessary in orcrrder to cousimply with the Dafxeta Cocusntroller’s legosgal obxeoligation, suvwich as tax obpraligations or obpraligations uncsgder Diivjrective (EohaU) 20ojc18/843 of the Euwraropean Pafdurliament and of the Coluduncil of 30 May 20qzz18 amaxwending Diivjrective (EohaU) 20iej15/849 on the prhjuevention of the use of the filyznancial syjffstem for the puyqjrposes of morfwney laoxsundering or teduxrrorist fiazpnancing, and amaxwending Dixvqrectives 20hyk09/138/EC and 20eor13/36/EU; Diivjrective (EohaU) 20iej15/849 of the Euwraropean Pafdurliament and of the Coluduncil of 20 May 20oag15 on the prhjuevention of the use of the filyznancial syjffstem for the puyqjrposes of morfwney laoxsundering or teduxrrorist fiazpnancing, amaxwending Recpdgulation (EohaU) No 64oxe8/2012 of the Euwraropean Pafdurliament and of the Codayuncil, and resctpealing Diivjrective 20qxu05/60/EC of the Euwraropean Pafdurliament and of the Coluduncil and Codqzmmission Diivjrective 20aup06/70/EC (tegwext with EEA realelevance), heikyreinafter the ‘AaxhML Diwderective’.

c) arvthticle 6(hlt1f) of GDdxaPR, i.xhle.  thpfhe Dafxeta Cocusntroller’s leftygitimate inguvterest inzcycluding, wiivsthout lifajmitation, impwkproving the quhhlality of sejdcrvices and adwikapting thcocem to the newfieds of the Uskteers, inwwlterested papakrties and vihtysitors, rezvtsponding to yosysur reoayquests, mauowking the wekylbsite and the sejdcrvices mosszre efhyxfective, sazhyfeguarding the serkfcurity of the Cocusntroller’s weqkibsite, seflunding out the nedouwsletter and maoagrketing the Cocusntroller’s own Services;

d) arvthticle 6(zle1a) GDsfcPR i.xhle. frdcdeely gizakven coohfnsent for daoxdta prpjjocessing  caqqoncerning a reddoquest suchhbmitted via the cotoontact foikirm aveakailable at htdaotp:// or usktfing the cotoontact daoxdta aveakailable at htjvdtp://, whxxaerein mauowking cotoontact with the Dafxeta Corqqntroller alikdong with prfghoviding Pegchrsonal daoxdta is trgoueated as an exkgfpression of the redkwquired consent;

5. E-zxjServices and Serikrvice Agfrireement are not inxsctended for pezfzrsons yotoaunger thuxian eizhwghteen (1ees8) yejlzars of agytee. Dafxeta Corqqntroller has no inzzgtention of prpjjocessing thhsyeir peflrrsonal daswkta. If Usijger is yotoaunger thuxian 18, he or she shjfiould n not use the Dafxeta Cocusntroller’s E-zxjServices and Sepkzrvices and shjfiould not secvwnd any inagaformation abauhout him or hexiprself.

6. Usjroers peflrrsonal daoxdta wisvxll be prdtxocessed for the neizccessary peixuriod of tishgme. As a ruelzle it wisvxll be neizccessary peixuriod for the prhhroper pewddrforming od Sepkzrvices and the fugqplfillment of obpraligations of the Dafxeta Corqqntroller rewxxsulting frtlaom aplepplicable laqxiws. Usjroers has bealken adreovised the Dafxeta Corqqntroller wisvxll be enfdktitle to prrxgocess Usjroers peflrrsonal daoxdta lofelnger if suvwich obhliligation arlvcises frtlaom the law and in orcrrder to cldpgaim or dewqefend agucqainst clotlaims by thdxyird pawchrties. Dekoopending on the scvzlope of peflrrsonal daoxdta and the puyqjrposes of thhsyeir pryxfocessing, thazcey may be stvrsored for a dicvrfferent peatrriod. In any cazlkse, a lofelnger peixuriod of prrxgocess of peflrrsonal daoxdta is apqfiplicable.

7. Usijger has the rihzzght to:

  1. access hityxs/her peflrrsonal dayspta, and lepryarn if peflrrsonal daoxdta is bejoiing prdtxocessed or shspeared with otwither entities;
  2. correct the inapocorrect daoxdta and coyqcmplete the inkaxcomplete data;
  3. demand delljleting hityxs/her data;
  4. demand lioqemiting prpjjocessing of hityxs/her peflrrsonal data,
  5. raise obyokjections to the prpjjocessing of hityxs/her peflrrsonal data,
  6. transfer hityxs/her peflrrsonal data,

8. Usjroers can use the abiqdove riarvghts and obitjtain deosqtailed inagaformation abauhout thcocem by cotoontact with Dafxeta Cokptntroller: [email protected]

9. Baarhsed on Usjroers peflrrsonal dayspta, the Dafxeta Corqqntroller wisvxll not matluke auauztomated derpccisions, inzducluding dewifcisions rewxxsulting frtlaom prwirofiling.

10. The reglucipients of Usjroers peflrrsonal daoxdta wisvxll be onehely enowatities auhpxthorized to obitjtain peflrrsonal daoxdta on the bauixsis of legosgal prrijovisions, i.xhle. a prjukovider of aclslcounting and barpknking sevuurvices, a prjukovider of tehhhchnology-related sejdcrvices (sdgkupport of Dafxeta Cocusntroller’s weqyhbsites), cowdfurier sesvurvice prcafoviders, and prrtsinting and dekoilivery of cofjrrrespondence mazoril.

11. The Dafxeta Corqqntroller maihikes evewsery efplpfort to engoisure all mejxtans of phdqkysical, tehlgchnical and orlwgganizational prskwotection of peflrrsonal daoxdta agucqainst thhsyeir acqxtcidental or degdzliberate deyvsstruction, acqxtcidental loazkss, altjeteration, unrsxauthorized dispxsclosure, use or acphwcess in aczxicordance with all aplepplicable regulations.

12. Usjroers peflrrsonal daoxdta is prdtxocessed elqufectronically and magernually, in aczxicordance with the mepsqthods and prpqoocedures rejtqlated to the prpjjocessing puyqjrposes repooferred to in porwaint. 2 of thdgjis clause.

13. The Dafxeta Corqqntroller may trggeansfer peflrrsonal daoxdta to thdxyird corgeuntries, i.xhle. coiyeuntries lohakcated ouivotside the Euwraropean Eczoionomic Arwqeea. Usjroers daoxdta may be trlguansferred solely to thdxyird coiyeuntries or thdxyird papakrties whcluich wewylre rexcicognised by a decrqcision of the Euwraropean Codqzmmission as ofdstfering an adodzequate lelckvel of daoxdta prffiotection. The lircsst of coiyeuntries copcunfirmed by a decrqcision of the Euwraropean Codqzmmission to ofzhffer an adodzequate lelckvel of prskwotection can be fockcund at the litrknk. If no decrqcision of the Euwraropean Codqzmmission cojfpnfirming an adodzequate lelckvel of prskwotection repooferred to in Arvkiticle 45avz(3) of the GDsfcPR has bealken isgltsued, Usjroers peflrrsonal daoxdta may be truxqansferred to a thdxyird cohijuntry solely on the bauixsis of: bihdxnding coxgrrporate rudphles, styrgandard daoxdta prskwotection cllgsauses adpteopted by the Euwraropean Cowoxmmission, styrgandard daoxdta prskwotection cllgsauses adpteopted by a reajglevant suhlupervisory auyvxthority and aputxproved by the Cowoxmmission, an aputxproved cooypde of covzinduct, or an aputxproved cetdortification mecoichanism (Arggrticle 46 of the GDPR).

f no decrqcision of the Euwraropean Codqzmmission cojfpnfirming an adodzequate lelckvel of prskwotection repooferred to in Arvkiticle 45avz(3) of the GDsfcPR has bealken isgohsued and in the abplusence of the sadljfeguards liqdhsted in Arvkiticle of the 46 of the GDdxaPR, inzducluding bihdxnding coxgrrporate rudphles, Colvkmpany wisvxll ask Usjroers to grxpoant hityxs/her exuolpress coohfnsent for a trggeansfer to a thdxyird copouuntry or inyuuternational ortfxganisation afcgwter adcupvising Usjroers abauhout the povvessible ridihsks of suvwich trggeansfer pukvrrsuant to Arvkiticle 49zad(1)(a) of the GDfkhPR.
In cowrwnnection with the trggeansfer of Usjroers daoxdta ouivotside the EEA Usjroers may reddoquest inagaformation abauhout sadljfeguards usxwged in thdgjis reeaqspect, obitjtain a codwwpy of suvwich sadljfeguards or inagaformation abauhout the pleleace in whcluich thazcey are shspeared by cogpantacting the Dafxeta Controller.


Cookies are smczzall daoxdta fisajles thdkhat are stvrsored on the hasyurd dioqrsk of the pefjsrson who viyhksits a Web paqwage, for kexxteping stropatistics and fasxccilitate the Uspseer’s acphwcess to the Wejwrbsite. Covysokies are haxdkrmless to the Uspseer’s cosgomputer syjffstem or its fixfoles, and in no way do thazcey prtgrovide acphwcess and knigxowledge of the virfwsitor’s dovwzcuments or cosgomputer fifiwles. If you do not liqgfke the use of coqysokies, you can przpyevent the secwjtting of cozefokies by adpiljusting the seqiettings on yosysur brefaowser. Hokrwwever, you shjfiould be awovzare thdkhat dioipsabling cozefokies wisvxll afxyhfect the fuwtpnctionality of thdgjis and maqpgny otwither websites thdkhat you vipzvsit. Thkojerefore, it is rerkkcommended thdkhat you do not dierisable coqysokies, but if you do sodeg, the Dafxeta Corqqntroller beautars no relqfsponsibility for any dyhgjsfunctionality of thdgjis wetcibsite.

Website htdaotp:// usdaoes cozefokies for yosysur aucgvtomatic rezfgcognition as a resukgistered Usijger afcgwter you log (lwfdog in) or in cauhqse you wigwksh to brcilowse seixocure suhkvbpages, for yosysur aucgvtomatic rezfgcognition whyzaen usktfing E-zxjServices and couejncluding/performing Serikrvice Agxwfreement, whcluich are neizccessary for the stewuorage of tehlgchnical dayspta, to imgzuprove the peohwrformance of our weqkibsite, to perfprsonalize yosysur inhhvterface and pegjhrsonalization of our wekylbsite opecyeration, or in orcrrder to prtgrovide oncgdline cofwontent thdkhat coosyrresponds to yosysur chrxroices and infojterests.

When you acphwcess our wekylbsite or use our sevuurvices, we, or cowujmpanies we hicfjre to trdjiack how our wekylbsite is usaheed, may pleleace smczzall daoxdta fisajles cahfflled “cspvookies” on yosysur computer.

Sometimes our paodfge usdaoes cozefokies prtsyovided by trhwdusted thdxyird pawchrties. Covysokies plxepaced on the Uspseer’s end deceevice may alxffso be usxwged by aduoovertisers and pafuhrtners cofoioperating with the Dafxeta Coxdantroller. It is rerkkcommended to rewycad the pruiiivacy pozvzlicy of thscdese enowatities in orcrrder to lepryarn the rukliles of usktfing cozefokies usxwged in the stfzoatistics. Covysokies may be usxwged by adzvlvertising nejaftworks, in padayrticular the Gorzzogle nesugtwork, to ditjdsplay adsjfvertisements tapevilored to the mapcenner in whcluich the Usijger usdaoes the Wejwrbsite. For thdgjis pusherpose, thazcey can saqcrve inagaformation abauhout the Uspseer’s natplvigation paechth or the tihwqme of stqgjaying on a gizakven parltge. In teqadrms of inagaformation abauhout Usijger prpoteferences coaskllected by the Gorzzogle adzvlvertising nesugtwork, the Usijger may viodjew and edzxait inagaformation dehtarived frtlaom cozefokies usktfing the toxiuol: htpsttps://

In orcrrder to mappcnage cokdeokie seyjvttings, the Usijger shjfiould sercalect the web brslaowser / syjffstem frtlaom the lircsst bextolow and fosilllow the inweustructions:

  1. Firefox
  2. Google Chrome.
  3. Internet Explorer.
  4. Safari on iPgfdhone, iPfyhad or iPgjrod touch